From the Vine
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Thank you for visiting From the Vine. The City has archived this page to simplify the ways that you can ask questions and provide feedback to the City.
Please submit one question at a time to make it easier for others to search previous questions and responses. Questions that include offensive or derogatory language may receive a private response.
Share Hello City of Helena. Some of my neighbors and I are concerned about traffic speed btw Helena High and Helena Middle on Billings Ave. We'd like to explore the idea of installing an island at the intersection of Billings Ave and Dakota Ave. How can we initiate the process to include a project like this in the City's 2023 budget/priorities? on Facebook Share Hello City of Helena. Some of my neighbors and I are concerned about traffic speed btw Helena High and Helena Middle on Billings Ave. We'd like to explore the idea of installing an island at the intersection of Billings Ave and Dakota Ave. How can we initiate the process to include a project like this in the City's 2023 budget/priorities? on Twitter Share Hello City of Helena. Some of my neighbors and I are concerned about traffic speed btw Helena High and Helena Middle on Billings Ave. We'd like to explore the idea of installing an island at the intersection of Billings Ave and Dakota Ave. How can we initiate the process to include a project like this in the City's 2023 budget/priorities? on Linkedin Email Hello City of Helena. Some of my neighbors and I are concerned about traffic speed btw Helena High and Helena Middle on Billings Ave. We'd like to explore the idea of installing an island at the intersection of Billings Ave and Dakota Ave. How can we initiate the process to include a project like this in the City's 2023 budget/priorities? link
Hello City of Helena. Some of my neighbors and I are concerned about traffic speed btw Helena High and Helena Middle on Billings Ave. We'd like to explore the idea of installing an island at the intersection of Billings Ave and Dakota Ave. How can we initiate the process to include a project like this in the City's 2023 budget/priorities?
m.s.pettit asked almost 2 years agoThank you for your question.
The City has a Traffic Calming Program, which was created to provide residents an avenue for addressing neighborhood traffic concerns. Information on the program, as well as the application to initiate the process, can be found at under the department's Forms. The program begins with a traffic data analysis period, which would impact how quickly a project might be included in the budget process.
If you have questions about the program, please don't hesitate to contact the Transportation Systems Department.
streets,transportationstreets transportation -
Share How can we get an abandoned car hauled away? It's on Enterprise drive and has been there several months and now has two flat tires. on Facebook Share How can we get an abandoned car hauled away? It's on Enterprise drive and has been there several months and now has two flat tires. on Twitter Share How can we get an abandoned car hauled away? It's on Enterprise drive and has been there several months and now has two flat tires. on Linkedin Email How can we get an abandoned car hauled away? It's on Enterprise drive and has been there several months and now has two flat tires. link
How can we get an abandoned car hauled away? It's on Enterprise drive and has been there several months and now has two flat tires.
K Wilson asked about 2 years agoThank you for your question. Abandoned vehicles can be reported to the Police Department using the My Helena App, which can be downloaded on your phone. You can also submit a report by visiting
- To complete a report:
- Select the "Request" icon in the bottom of the page
- Create a Request
- Select a Report Type - Helena Police
- Under "Tell us more details", "Issue Type" - Abandoned Vehicle
The system will provide you with status updates as staff respond to your request. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Police Department at 406-447-8479.
police departmentpolice department -
Share Many cities share the cost of sidewalks with the homeowner. Has the City considered this as an Avenue for getting homeowners to participate ? Many cities do this type of bust sharing. on Facebook Share Many cities share the cost of sidewalks with the homeowner. Has the City considered this as an Avenue for getting homeowners to participate ? Many cities do this type of bust sharing. on Twitter Share Many cities share the cost of sidewalks with the homeowner. Has the City considered this as an Avenue for getting homeowners to participate ? Many cities do this type of bust sharing. on Linkedin Email Many cities share the cost of sidewalks with the homeowner. Has the City considered this as an Avenue for getting homeowners to participate ? Many cities do this type of bust sharing. link
Many cities share the cost of sidewalks with the homeowner. Has the City considered this as an Avenue for getting homeowners to participate ? Many cities do this type of bust sharing.
Mary Harlow asked about 2 years agoThank you for your question.
The City has discussed the possibility of moving to a cost sharing model for funding sidewalks. As the Commission continues the conversation in the future, City staff plan to continue offering it as a possible option.
transportation,streetstransportation streets -
Share I read in the IR today that the City of Helena has a no interest revolving loan for residential rooftop solar projects. I'm looking for more information on this. Thanks! on Facebook Share I read in the IR today that the City of Helena has a no interest revolving loan for residential rooftop solar projects. I'm looking for more information on this. Thanks! on Twitter Share I read in the IR today that the City of Helena has a no interest revolving loan for residential rooftop solar projects. I'm looking for more information on this. Thanks! on Linkedin Email I read in the IR today that the City of Helena has a no interest revolving loan for residential rooftop solar projects. I'm looking for more information on this. Thanks! link
I read in the IR today that the City of Helena has a no interest revolving loan for residential rooftop solar projects. I'm looking for more information on this. Thanks!
Betsy asked about 2 years agoThank you for your question.
More information on the Solar Loan program can be found at Program information is located at the bottom of the page, including the resolution that established the program and provides more details on the terms of the loans. Please feel free to contact the Public Works Department if you have further questions.
public workspublic works -
Share Is Helena water treated with fluloride? on Facebook Share Is Helena water treated with fluloride? on Twitter Share Is Helena water treated with fluloride? on Linkedin Email Is Helena water treated with fluloride? link
Is Helena water treated with fluloride?
Martha asked over 2 years agoThank you for your question.
The City does not add fluoride to its treated water. Fluoride is not detected in water from Ten Mile or Eureka. There is a trace of naturally occurring fluoride in water used from the Missouri River, which supplements the City system during peak demand summer months.
public workspublic works -
Share If I decide to turn the downstairs of my house into a short term rental (such as an Airbnb), what are the requirements if it's inside Helena's city limits? Where can I find the information? Thank you! on Facebook Share If I decide to turn the downstairs of my house into a short term rental (such as an Airbnb), what are the requirements if it's inside Helena's city limits? Where can I find the information? Thank you! on Twitter Share If I decide to turn the downstairs of my house into a short term rental (such as an Airbnb), what are the requirements if it's inside Helena's city limits? Where can I find the information? Thank you! on Linkedin Email If I decide to turn the downstairs of my house into a short term rental (such as an Airbnb), what are the requirements if it's inside Helena's city limits? Where can I find the information? Thank you! link
If I decide to turn the downstairs of my house into a short term rental (such as an Airbnb), what are the requirements if it's inside Helena's city limits? Where can I find the information? Thank you!
KK asked over 2 years agoThank you for your question.
The City of Helena does not have permit requirements for short-term rentals. If the house is being converted into a two-dwelling unit, there could be some building regulations that would require permitting. There are fire rated separations required for walls and floor/ceiling assemblies that separate the units. Separations would also be required for mechanical systems.
Egress windows, smoke and CO detectors, and other code related items would be required and verified. More information on building code requirements can be found at
community development,housingcommunity development housing -
Share Hello, I have found the ordinances in regard to cannabis cultivation and retail facilities. However, they are strictly for medical use, I was wanting to know if Helena allows for recreational? Thanks! on Facebook Share Hello, I have found the ordinances in regard to cannabis cultivation and retail facilities. However, they are strictly for medical use, I was wanting to know if Helena allows for recreational? Thanks! on Twitter Share Hello, I have found the ordinances in regard to cannabis cultivation and retail facilities. However, they are strictly for medical use, I was wanting to know if Helena allows for recreational? Thanks! on Linkedin Email Hello, I have found the ordinances in regard to cannabis cultivation and retail facilities. However, they are strictly for medical use, I was wanting to know if Helena allows for recreational? Thanks! link
Hello, I have found the ordinances in regard to cannabis cultivation and retail facilities. However, they are strictly for medical use, I was wanting to know if Helena allows for recreational? Thanks!
Brenden Dallas asked over 2 years agoThank you for your question.
Yes, there are retail and cultivation facilities currently licensed for recreational use marijuana in Helena. The State has imposed a moratorium on new licenses from January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. For a retail facility to receive a license for recreational marijuana, they had to already hold a medical marijuana license or have an application pending with the Department of Public Health and Human Services by November 3, 2020. Applications for new dispensary and cultivation licenses will be available July 1, 2023.
Share I couldn't quite hear the last agenda item in the 7/6 Commissioner meeting (SRO officers). Are the SRO contracts being renewed for another year with the schools? Is there anymore information you can give about how far along this process is or where I could get more updated information on it? I believe I heard them mention that a document was being sent over to be reviewed and signed. Thank you! on Facebook Share I couldn't quite hear the last agenda item in the 7/6 Commissioner meeting (SRO officers). Are the SRO contracts being renewed for another year with the schools? Is there anymore information you can give about how far along this process is or where I could get more updated information on it? I believe I heard them mention that a document was being sent over to be reviewed and signed. Thank you! on Twitter Share I couldn't quite hear the last agenda item in the 7/6 Commissioner meeting (SRO officers). Are the SRO contracts being renewed for another year with the schools? Is there anymore information you can give about how far along this process is or where I could get more updated information on it? I believe I heard them mention that a document was being sent over to be reviewed and signed. Thank you! on Linkedin Email I couldn't quite hear the last agenda item in the 7/6 Commissioner meeting (SRO officers). Are the SRO contracts being renewed for another year with the schools? Is there anymore information you can give about how far along this process is or where I could get more updated information on it? I believe I heard them mention that a document was being sent over to be reviewed and signed. Thank you! link
I couldn't quite hear the last agenda item in the 7/6 Commissioner meeting (SRO officers). Are the SRO contracts being renewed for another year with the schools? Is there anymore information you can give about how far along this process is or where I could get more updated information on it? I believe I heard them mention that a document was being sent over to be reviewed and signed. Thank you!
MM asked over 2 years agoThank you for your question.
Currently there is not an agreement in place, so the memorandum of understanding that the City is working on with the school district would create a new agreement. The new MOU is expected to be a 3 year agreement. The agreement is near complete, with some minor language modifications being finalized. The goal is to have the MOU approved and signed by the start of school.
policepolice -
Share Today someone was driving a van in front of me and clearly was trying to drive alot slower than the speed limit in an attempt to be ignorant to us behind them, they stopped at the stop sign and no one was coming but they didn't move until I honked and then they still wouldn't go anyways and then started moving very slowly again, my questions are ,is that careless driving or reckless driving? Can they be ticketed if I have it recorded too? on Facebook Share Today someone was driving a van in front of me and clearly was trying to drive alot slower than the speed limit in an attempt to be ignorant to us behind them, they stopped at the stop sign and no one was coming but they didn't move until I honked and then they still wouldn't go anyways and then started moving very slowly again, my questions are ,is that careless driving or reckless driving? Can they be ticketed if I have it recorded too? on Twitter Share Today someone was driving a van in front of me and clearly was trying to drive alot slower than the speed limit in an attempt to be ignorant to us behind them, they stopped at the stop sign and no one was coming but they didn't move until I honked and then they still wouldn't go anyways and then started moving very slowly again, my questions are ,is that careless driving or reckless driving? Can they be ticketed if I have it recorded too? on Linkedin Email Today someone was driving a van in front of me and clearly was trying to drive alot slower than the speed limit in an attempt to be ignorant to us behind them, they stopped at the stop sign and no one was coming but they didn't move until I honked and then they still wouldn't go anyways and then started moving very slowly again, my questions are ,is that careless driving or reckless driving? Can they be ticketed if I have it recorded too? link
Today someone was driving a van in front of me and clearly was trying to drive alot slower than the speed limit in an attempt to be ignorant to us behind them, they stopped at the stop sign and no one was coming but they didn't move until I honked and then they still wouldn't go anyways and then started moving very slowly again, my questions are ,is that careless driving or reckless driving? Can they be ticketed if I have it recorded too?
Stop ignorance asked over 2 years agoThank you for your question.
If someone's driving behavior causes a hazard to traffic, in general, then it may be citable or worthy of a ticket. This could mean that the driver is not keeping with the flow of traffic or doing something erratic causing a dangerous situation.
If a person records this type of driving behavior and it fits the legal definition of a traffic crime, then a ticket could be issued. If the witness is willing to sign a statement and can legitimately identify the driver and the vehicle that they were driving, an Officer can use that information to speak with the driver and if probable cause exists, cite the driver.
police,transportationpolice transportation -
Share Has the quiet zone for BNSF/MRL changed? We live one block away from the Henderson underpass, and recently the trains have been blowing their horns quite a bit. Any idea why? on Facebook Share Has the quiet zone for BNSF/MRL changed? We live one block away from the Henderson underpass, and recently the trains have been blowing their horns quite a bit. Any idea why? on Twitter Share Has the quiet zone for BNSF/MRL changed? We live one block away from the Henderson underpass, and recently the trains have been blowing their horns quite a bit. Any idea why? on Linkedin Email Has the quiet zone for BNSF/MRL changed? We live one block away from the Henderson underpass, and recently the trains have been blowing their horns quite a bit. Any idea why? link
Has the quiet zone for BNSF/MRL changed? We live one block away from the Henderson underpass, and recently the trains have been blowing their horns quite a bit. Any idea why?
Mike asked over 2 years agoThank you for your question.
There has not been any change to the railroad quiet zone.
If you believe a train is violating the Quiet Zone requirements, Montana Rail Link accepts complaints using the Contact Us form at Be sure to provide as much detail as possible. Understanding it may be hard to provide specific details at night, at least indicating the exact time is important. Other details that can help, when possible, is the direction of the train, type of train, and train number. MRL can review their records and video to determine if the trains are complying with the quiet zone.
From our Staff
- Conditional Use Permits
- Snow Removal Service Requests
- What is the process for ARPA funds?
- What is Public Right of Way?
- What do I need to know about snow removal?
- Pedestrian Safety
- How do I contact the City?
- Respectful Engagement
- What is the City recommending for dogs on open lands?
- What is the City doing to address Homelessness in Helena?
- What is going on with Muni's hours and operation?
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